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Cómo se trata el ojo rojo? Si tiene ojo rojo (también conocido como conjuntivitis), pruebe algunos remedios caseros eficaces para mejorar los síntomas. La mayoría de la conjuntivitis desaparecerá por sí sola en una o dos semanas, y los consejos a continuación pueden hacer que ese tiempo sea más cómodo.A veces necesita consultar con un médico para la conjuntivitis. Esto depende del tipo de conjuntivitis que tenga y de su gravedad. Consulte a su oftalmólogo de inmediato si:Tiene dolor o tiene problemas para ver Se vuelve sensible a la luz Sus síntomas han continuado durante una semana o más, o...
Chia seeds are edible 2-3mm oblong seeds that come from a desert plant salvia hispanica. The seeds are black, dark brown and white in color, tiny and have a mild nutty flavor. There are also the red variety but the former is preferred.Chia seeds are unprocessed and can easily be absorbed by the body. They are becoming better known for their excellent source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and is a great source of digestible protein compared to protein from animal meat. Chia seeds are very versatile and you can put them in almost any food.NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS OF CHIA SEEDSChia...
20 Important Benefits Of Walnuts
1. May Promote Heart HealthDue to the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts are very beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Eating a few walnuts a day may help reduce blood pressure too. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce bad cholesterol in the body and encourage the production of good cholesterol. They also help reduce inflammation and boost blood vessel function. As a consequence, walnuts can promote heart health.2. May Reduce Cancer RiskWalnuts are rich in plant compounds like omega 3-fatty acids, polyphenols, and urolithins. These bio-active components may have anticancer properties.Walnuts may reduce the risk of certain types...
9 Health Benefits Of Salmon You Should Know Of
1. May Protect Against Heart DiseasesWith nutrients like omega 3 fats, vitamin D, potassium, and selenium, to say that salmon has heart-healthy properties would be an understatement. Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating blood pressure and preventing blockage of arteries. A D deficiency is linked to cardiovascular disease, heart failure, and an increased risk of stroke2. Can Strengthen Bones And Prevent Joint DisordersThanks to the vitamin D and omega 3 fats in it, salmon can keep your bones healthy and prevent joint disorders. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from the intestines and prevents osteoporosis in adults...
Health Benefits of Eating Shrimp
While shrimp may be small in size, they are huge in terms of nutritional value and the health benefits they offer. Read on to learn how shrimp can help you lose weight, provide you with important beauty nutrients — such as the antioxidant astaxanthin — and add cancer-fighting minerals to your diet.Weight loss benefits of eating shrimpLoaded with protein, vitamin D, vitamin B3, and zinc, shrimp are an excellent, carbohydrate-free food for anyone determined to shed off pounds. Zinc supplementation of zinc deficient subjects has been shown to increase the levels of circulating leptin. Leptin is a hormone that plays...