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Including some stretching in your daily morning routine can help energize you for the day. That could mean you can skip that coffee until midmorning, when you might need it more.It can also help you go into the day with higher levels of confidence. This sequence can take less than 10 minutes, or longer if you want to stay in poses for a few breaths longer or repeat the whole sequence a few times.It can really make a difference in how both your body and your mind start the day.Child’s PoseThis restorative pose is great for gently stretching out your...

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Cómo curar fácilmente la hipertensión y vivir una vida plena.Asesoramiento de Alex Geletin, cardiólogo de categoría superior experto con 17 años de experienciaLa hipertensión arterial es peligrosa porque al principio puede desarrollarse casi imperceptiblemente. Sus primeros signos (fatiga, irritabilidad, dolores de cabeza frecuentes y mareos) generalmente se toman erróneamente como resultado de la fatiga acumulada durante el día. La gente piensa que necesitan dormir más, y todo estará bien. En la etapa inicial de la enfermedad sucede exactamente así. Por lo tanto, las personas con tales síntomas no se apresuran al médico, mientras que la enfermedad progresa. Con el tiempo,...

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Another exotic specimen in our useful selection, which nutritionists discovered just four years ago. Researchers at the University of Malaysia Putra have found that the intricate fruit is 50% composed of essential fatty acids, iron and vitamin E. To prepare the pitaya for consumption, the fruit is usually cut vertically in half. After that, you can either cut it into slices, or scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Interestingly, at home in Asia, the dragon fruit is used primarily for decoration.

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According to the famous nutritionist Keri Glassman, cherries are one of the irreplaceable superberries. It owes its deep red color to the antioxidant anthocyanin, which helps reduce inflammation of the body's vascular system and reduce cholesterol levels. Cherries are helpful after exercise or fitness to help relieve muscle pain and fatigue.

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The tart and tasty berry is included in the TOP 10 products due to its antioxidant properties. Be sure to add berries to the menus of your favorite men - you will help them reduce the risk of cancer and support testosterone production. And just like blueberries, blackberries help our eyes health. On a note, or rather, for lunch for those who spend long hours at the computer.

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